About Us

Contact Us

Location: 60th Medical Group, 101 Bodin Circle, Building 777, Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535-1801

Telephone: 707-423-3000

Customer Service

Patient Advocate

DSN 799-2388; commercial 707-423-2388

As a patient of David Grant USAF Medical Center, we value your feedback. Your feedback will help us identify ways to ensure you receive the highest quality, safe, and trusted care. If you have concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Patient Advocates.

Patients have the right to make recommendations, ask questions, or file grievances to the military treatment facility Patient Advocate. If concerns are not adequately resolved, patients have the right to contact The Joint Commission at 800-994-6610, or by submitting a concern or complaint online.

Click here to provide feedback on service providers

Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator/Debt Collection Assistance Officer

Phone: 707-423-7921 or 707-423-3475

Comments?  Kudos? Feedback?

David Grant USAF Medical Center is committed to providing you ready, reliable care.

Please scan the QR code below to provide us with valuable feedback regarding your experience.

    Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!